The Trials of Christ and Peter > Mark 14:53-72
14:53-59 The clearly unjust and unfaithful trial against Jesus.
14:60-65 The truth revealed for all to see: Christ is the Son of God! Yet this very truth will be twisted and used to condemn Him.
14:66-69 Though Peter followed so that he could keep tabs on the trial, he now denies having anything to do with Jesus.
14:70-72 Just as Christ had said (v30), Peter goes on to deny Him a total of three times. The rooster crows and Christ’s prophesy is fulfilled.
Emphasis: Christ’s identity (the Good News is twisted to condemn Him) and Peter’s prophesied denial.
Context: The chain of Christ’s prophecies is shown to be true in every detail – just as Judas betrayed Him earlier in the chapter, so Peter will deny Him here. He will soon be delivered over to Pilate and crucified.
Theme: Christ, the Son of God, has been abandoned and rejected by all. Yet this is the Lord’s plan.
Gospel: The priests of this world are not righteous enough or forgiving enough, instead, we need a better priest. Though Jesus had done no wrong, He is being treated here as if He had done every wrong: and He endures this treatment to pay for the sins of all who trust in Him. He is our High Priest!
Applications: Your trust must not be in the people or institutions of this world – they are no less sinful than you or I are. Similarly, you must never think little of your sin – the ugliness here is the price paid for us. But what we must hold to and tell others is that there is Good News: Jesus Christ has died to save sinners, rescuing us from the wrath to come!