
Recommended Article: Don’t Stop Reading at Leviticus

For many Christians, the five books of the Pentateuch are flyover country—especially Leviticus. Written at least 3,000 years ago, it feels foreign to the modern reader. Page after page of detailed regulations about blood sacrifice, dietary laws, swift and violent judgments, and longwinded rules about how to cleanse a house from leprosy, make relating difficult.

Read-through-the-Bible plans die a thousand deaths here.

There’s no question Leviticus can be daunting, but it contains amazing lessons that should reduce us to our knees in worship. Here are four things it teaches that make it must-reading for followers of Christ…

William Farley

Leviticus might be one of the most difficult books to read for those who aren’t used to it or who come to it through a Bible reading program – so much of what it teaches and commands seems otherwordly, foreign, perhaps even un-graceful. But there are spiritual treasures to be mined, and God’s glory to be beheld, if we would learn this book well.

To a generation that stresses God’s nearness, not his transcendence, this book warns us against flippant familiarity with God. The God of Leviticus has not changed, which the cross of Christ makes clear.

William Farley

Read the full article here…

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