January 26, 2025 Worship Service

Service Video:

  • Prelude
  • Worship through singing – 4:35
  • Welcome & Prayer – 16:10
  • Scripture – 26:10
  • Special Music – 27:01
  • Worship through singing – 29:48
  • Worship through preaching – 32:40
  • Worship through singing – 1:10:03

Who is Jesus? > Mark 1:21-45

1:21-28 Authority over spirits. Christ’s authority is revealed by his teaching and his ability to command the spiritual world. Unlike the scribes, Jesus has the authority of God himself.

1:29-34 Authority over sickness. Christ’s authority extends to the physical world every bit as much as the spiritual.

1:35-39 Christ’s mission. Mark gives us a caution: Jesus works miracles, but being a miracle-worker is not primarily why he has come. Instead, he has come to do the Father’s will, which is to proclaim the coming kingdom.

1:40-45 Christ’s fame. Christ’s power and authority cannot be shrunk. He is holy, and his holiness is contagious – more so than our own sin and disease! This should cause us to turn to him in faith, not merely to seek him for miracles in this life.

Background: Often, we talk about Jesus and we describe his teachings. Mark, instead, starts his gospel by simply showing who Jesus is: we understand him by his actions.

The Point: Jesus has all power and authority to carry out the kingdom mission that the Father has for him.

Head: Know that Christ’s mission is better, greater, and more specific than what we are tempted to assume.

Heart: Believe that Jesus Christ offers forgiveness and entrance into the kingdom for those who trust in him.

Hands: Trust Christ – call on him as Lord and Savior.

Here is how I will apply these truths: ___________________


We are a member church of the Evangelical Free Church of America.



