
Author: FEFC Pastor

  • Online Worship for July 12, 2020

    Service Video: Benediction: “But grow in the grace and knowledge of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. To him be the glory both now and to the day of eternity. […]

  • Sunday School for July 12, 2020

    Jump to the Family Sunday School Lesson Jump to the Adult Sunday School Lesson Family Sunday School Devotion for July 12 “The Cost of Following Jesus” from Luke 9; 14 […]

  • Online Worship for July 5, 2020

    Service Video: Benediction: “The grace of the Lord Jesus Christ and the love of God and the fellowship of the Holy Spirit be with you all.” (2 Corinthians 13:14)

  • Sunday School for July 5, 2020

    Jump to the Family Sunday School Lesson Jump to the Adult Sunday School Lesson Family Sunday School Devotion for July 5 “The Sermon on the Mount” from Matthew 5-7 Listen […]

  • Communion Info for July 5, 2020

    Our next communion service is right around the corner! For those of you joining us in person, we will have pre-sealed cups available on a table in the middle of […]

  • Online Worship for June 28, 2020

    Note that we have separated the Sunday school materials into a separate post to help keep things organized. You can find this week’s Sunday school lessons here. Service Video: Service […]

  • Sunday School for June 28, 2020

    Jump to the Family Sunday School Lesson Jump to the Adult Sunday School Lesson Family Sunday School Devotion for June 28 “Jesus Healed a Man who was Blind” from John […]

  • Online Worship for June 21, 2020

    Note that we have separated the Sunday school materials into a separate post to help keep things organized. You can find this week’s Sunday school lessons here. Service Video: Service […]

We are a member church of the Evangelical Free Church of America.



