
Author: Web Admin

  • Giving 2020

    As a church, we continue to minister in the challenging circumstances of the Coronavirus pandemic. You may be wondering how to continue contributing to the work of the church, given that we are unable to gather together for Sunday morning services.

  • Justice is Coming Habakkuk 2:2-20

    The big picture of God’s justice: it is coming, even when the timing doesn’t fit what we hope and cry out for.

  • Worthy of Every Song

    Dave Dziurawiec sings Worthy of Every Song

  • John 4:27-54 Fallacies

    Salvation isn’t just for “good people” with the “right” background. Instead, it is for anyone and everyone who will trust Jesus as Savior.

  • John 4:1-26 Thirst Quencher

    This world cannot ultimately satisfy our deepest thirst – only Jesus can. The joyous news of the Gospel is that He offers exactly what is needed to all who trust in Him!

  • Habakkuk 1:1-2:1 Our Questions, God’s Plans

    The Lord is at work – He sees and knows far more than Habakkuk supposes – and He has a plan for justice.

  • John 3:16-36 The Bible in Miniature

    The Gospel makes clear that there are only two ways to live: respond to Christ with belief, and you shall have eternal life. Respond with disobedience, and God’s wrath will remain upon you.

  • Living for Jesus – Ken South

  • John 3:1-15 To Enter The Kingdom…

    Aim: John wants all who read his Gospel to understand that the Christian life consists of trusting in Jesus so that we would have a new birth and enter into the coming Kingdom.

We are a member church of the Evangelical Free Church of America.



