Author: Web Admin

  • Thumbnail for the post titled: The Beatitudes

    The Beatitudes

  • Thumbnail for the post titled: Psalm 67

    Psalm 67

    Missionary Tim Dahlin preaches through Psalm 67.

  • Thumbnail for the post titled: The Beatitudes

    The Beatitudes

  • Thumbnail for the post titled: The Beatitudes

    The Beatitudes

  • The Beatitudes

  • Your love defends me

  • The Beatitudes

    Pastor Larry Ostercamp begins a series of sermons on the “blessed is” that Jesus taught about in the Sermon on the Mount.

  • John 1,6,12 The Quiet Disciple

    What matters most is not our own efforts or even personality type. Instead, what matters most is the One whom we follow and trust.

  • Mark 15 Two Signs, Three Witnesses

    The Good News is that this Jesus who gave His life is actually the King – He is God’s Son and so He is the perfect sacrifice for our sins. Those who are searching for the Kingdom are to look to Him.

  • Mark 15 Humiliation

    Christ is mocked as if He were powerless, yet His sacrifice is what all sinners need from their true King.

We are a member church of the Evangelical Free Church of America.



