

  • First E-Free Updates – March 18, 2020

    Dear church: as you can imagine, there is a lot going on behind the scenes here at First E-Free, just as I am sure is the same for many of […]

  • Behind the Decisions – March 17, 2020

    Good morning First E-Free! I wanted to give you a few updates about where things currently stand: The leadership and I are working on making an “online service” available for […]

  • Pastoral Guidance in the Time of Coronavirus

    Dear First Evangelical Free Church, We live extraordinary times. The spread of the Coronavirus has put us all into situations that we’ve never had to cope with before. Each of […]

  • First E-Free Coronavirus Update – March 16, 2020: Church Closed

    Dear friends, as of March 16, 2020, all in-person programs and services at First E-Free have been suspended. This includes Sunday services, Wednesday night DQ and youth group, midweek Bible […]

  • First E-Free Coronavirus Update – March 15, 2020

    Over this past weekend, both Nebraska and Iowa confirmed cases of “community spread” of the Coronavirus. This means that folks have contracted the virus even though they have not traveled […]

  • No activities tonight – Jan 22

    Per our cancellation guidelines, we will not have DQ or youth group tonight since Sioux City schools were cancelled for the day. Stay safe everyone – see you next week!

  • Annual Meeting rescheduled

    Due to the blizzard warning and extremely cold weather, we are rescheduling the potluck and annual meeting that was scheduled for this coming Sunday, January 19th. The potluck and annual […]

  • Weather Announcement: Only 10:15 Worship Service on Sunday, February 24

    We will have the regular 10:15 worship service on Sunday, February 24th.  Sunday School is cancelled for the day. We will continue to monitor weather throughout the night and will […]

  • Weather announcement: No DQ or Youth Group on February 20

    Due to the weather – and Sioux City schools being closed – there will be no DQ or Youth Group tonight (Feb 20). Stay safe!

  • Weather announcement: No DQ or Youth Group on January 30

    Out of an abundance of caution, we are cancelling DiscipleQuest and Youth Group tomorrow (January 30) due to the extremely cold temperatures and dangerous wind chill. Stay safe! We will […]

We are a member church of the Evangelical Free Church of America.



