

  • Justice is Coming Habakkuk 2:2-20

    The big picture of God’s justice: it is coming, even when the timing doesn’t fit what we hope and cry out for.

  • John 4:27-54 Fallacies

    Salvation isn’t just for “good people” with the “right” background. Instead, it is for anyone and everyone who will trust Jesus as Savior.

  • John 4:1-26 Thirst Quencher

    This world cannot ultimately satisfy our deepest thirst – only Jesus can. The joyous news of the Gospel is that He offers exactly what is needed to all who trust in Him!

  • Habakkuk 1:1-2:1 Our Questions, God’s Plans

    The Lord is at work – He sees and knows far more than Habakkuk supposes – and He has a plan for justice.

  • John 3:16-36 The Bible in Miniature

    The Gospel makes clear that there are only two ways to live: respond to Christ with belief, and you shall have eternal life. Respond with disobedience, and God’s wrath will remain upon you.

  • John 1,6,12 The Quiet Disciple

    What matters most is not our own efforts or even personality type. Instead, what matters most is the One whom we follow and trust.

  • Mark 15 Two Signs, Three Witnesses

    The Good News is that this Jesus who gave His life is actually the King – He is God’s Son and so He is the perfect sacrifice for our sins. Those who are searching for the Kingdom are to look to Him.

  • Mark 15 Humiliation

    Christ is mocked as if He were powerless, yet His sacrifice is what all sinners need from their true King.

  • Mark 15:1-15 The King of the Jews

    The picture here of Barabbas is meant to show us that Jesus takes the place of the condemned. All who trust in Christ will receive salvation because He has paid the penalty.

  • Mark 14 The Trials of Christ and Peter

    Christ, the Son of God, has been abandoned and rejected by all. Yet this is the Lord’s plan.

We are a member church of the Evangelical Free Church of America.



