

  • Matthew 14:43-52 Let the Scriptures Be Fulfilled

    Apart from His saving grace, all of us are like Judas and the mob. Even in His saving grace, we are no better than the disciples. Praise the Lord that His love for us is not based on our performance, but instead on His faithfulness.

  • Mark 14 Humanity In The Garden

    The truth of every Christian is that we don’t have the strength, but Jesus does. Our hope is only in Him and His work, never in our own “strength.”

  • Mark 14:12-25 In Remembrance

    Christ is the Passover lamb – He will quite literally be the sacrifice for our sins. But unlike every other Passover lamb, Jesus will also live again and return for His people.

  • Mark 14 A Waste or A Blessing?

    Those who reject Christ are unable to see anything redeeming in those who honor Him. Yet, even Christ’s disciples (minus Judas) will end up being redeemed by Him.

  • Titus 3:12-15 Served and Serving

    We are to learn how to give others to Gospel ministry, how to encourage those who come to us, and how to trust the Lord from now until Christ’s return.

  • Titus 3:1-11 Christians In Public

    We have been given Christ’s mercy, now we are called to display it through our works and actions in society.

  • Titus 2:11-15 What’s Your “Why”?

    A redeemed, purified, zealous Christian life is what we are called to based upon what Jesus has already done and will bring to completion. Our lives example His grace.

  • Titus 2:1-10 Teaching Self-Control

    Living faithfully means living a self-controlled life in light of the Gospel so that God would be glorified and those around us would see examples of Christian faithfulness.

  • Titus 1:10-16 Contrast

    God’s authority is meant to protect God’s people. Rejecting that authority leads to disunity, weakness in the faith, and denial of the Lord.

We are a member church of the Evangelical Free Church of America.



