

  • Manger Scenes, Pictures of Jesus, and the Second Commandment

    I was recently asked a wonderful question about applying the Second Commandment today: “do manger scenes at Christmas – specifically the representation of baby Jesus – violate the second commandment?” […]

  • Jonah Outline

    We are about half-way into our Jonah sermon series and one of the resources that has been of great help to me has come from The Bible Project. Check out […]

  • Prayer

    I was struck anew when reading Acts 6 this past week. A very real complaint turns into a church struggle that must be resolved. These sort of “people” issues come up often […]

  • Resources on the Book of Acts

    As we draw near to the end of our Acts sermon series, I’d like to share a few resources that I’ve found helpful. I’ve already mentioned probably the most striking […]

  • The Great God

    “Nothing exceeds thy power, Nothing is too great for thee to do, Nothing too good for thee to give. Infinite is thy might, boundless thy love, Limitless thy grace, glorious […]

  • Listening to Acts

    One of my favorite “younger” pastors to listen to and learn from is Kevin DeYoung. I recently linked to a book that he had published on seeing the Book of […]

  • Theology alone does not keep you from sin…

    A dear church member reminded me of this interview with John Piper from awhile back. While it’s discussing a current issue at the time, Piper speaks to something that we […]

  • Genealogies and Timelines

    I was recently reading through 1 Chronicles and kept getting confused by all the genealogies. Of course, I’m not alone in this – and it doesn’t help when certain folks […]

  • God’s Trees

    I find it amazing that there are faithful Christian folks who – in our day and age – are able to share their God-given passions with us through books. Julian […]

  • Visualizing the Big Picture of Acts

    I recently came across this short video and found it incredibly helpful – so helpful that I purchased the book for myself. I love how the Lord has gifted artists […]

We are a member church of the Evangelical Free Church of America.



