

  • Details Matter

    In 1 Samuel 15 we see a story of how sinister and subtle sin can be. Samuel gives a message to Saul from the Lord, saying that Saul is to bring […]

  • Why are you a Christian?

    Two questions came to my mind as we went through Easter weekend – two questions that I found good to work through myself and which you would benefit from thinking […]

  • He Taught in Parables

    In our adult Sunday school class this past week, we came across an interesting truth in the Gospel of Mark: “Again he began to teach beside the sea. And a […]

  • The Story We Call Our Kids Into…

    “Books are important because story is important. And story is important because to some degree parenting is storytelling. Parents are called to the glorious labor of narrating God’s sovereign and […]

  • Praying According to the Scriptures

    Nancy Guthrie begins an article on prayer this way… “It is one thing to be asked to pray for another person. I’m happy to do it. I want to do […]

  • Weeping Over Sin

    In Matthew 26:75, we find one of the saddest verses in the Scriptures: “And Peter remembered the saying of Jesus, ‘Before the rooster crows, you will deny me three times.’ […]

  • Observations from Matthew 26

    As I was reading through Matthew’s Gospel a few weeks ago, two things really stuck out to me in chapter 26 that I hadn’t noticed before: First: in verses 30-35, […]

  • Reading the Word in 2018

    It’s that time of year again, when blog posts abound, emails circulate, and sometimes even pamphlets come in the mail – all saying one thing, all directing your attention towards […]

  • Children in the worship service?

    The title of this post is written as a question because, for many churches and many Christians, it IS an open question. Should children be a part of the worship […]

  • Parents: How to Have a Simple Devotion With Your Kids

    It’s difficult being a parent. It’s difficult to be consistent, to make faithful choices when it comes to how to discipline, how to reinforce good behavior, how to parent well. […]

We are a member church of the Evangelical Free Church of America.



