

  • Old Testament Events Timeline

    As a followup to my previous post on New Testament events, here is the corresponding Old Testament chart (click for larger and for source):

  • New Testament Event Timeline

    I’ve often been frustrated that many published timelines of the Bible seem to focus only upon when the books of the Bible were written. That is helpful, sure, but it […]

  • The Rich Man and Lazarus

    So often, we think that those who have worldly wealth, possessions, and power are the important people in society. They dominate politics and the news, they are held up as […]

  • The Humility of Our Lord

    J. C. Ryle is always timely and quotable – especially now as we have been reflecting on the life, death, and resurrection of our Lord: “He never had any of […]

  • How Your Job Glorifies Christ

    A struggle I’ve heard and encountered from many Christians over the years is that they aren’t sure how their secular job connects with their faith. How does being a garbage […]

  • Careful Thinking on Politics

    We live in politically volatile times – you can’t turn your head, flip a channel, or browse a website without coming across some sort of political debate. How, then, should […]

  • John Piper on Prosperity Theology

    A powerfully true video: Read the story behind it here.

  • Simple Bible Study Method

    Sometimes, we make Bible study far too complicated – we act as if a person needs an entire theological library, computerized concordances, a working knowledge of the Greek and Hebrew, […]

  • What does making disciples really look like?

    It’s not rocket science – a great video featuring D. A. Carson…

  • Visual Resource: The Bible at a Glance

    One way that we as a church can do a better job of communicating to the world around us to engage folks with truth on more levels than one. Good, […]

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