Matthew 6:11 Our Daily Bread 8/25/2024 Worship Service
We trust God… Though Christ’s instructions about daily bread are short, they are packed with one big point: God’s people are to trust him. We express that trust by regularly, dependently, and faithfully calling upon him.
August 18, 2024 Worship Service
These first “petitions” of the Lord’s Prayer all center upon our God. They put his will before our own, teaching us to desire what he wants first and foremost.
August 11, 2024 Worship Service
Who we pray to. Our prayers are directed not to a God who is far away or uncaring, but instead to one whom Jesus has given every Christian a relationship with. We can rightly call upon him as our “Father” – and what a privilege that is!
Matthew 6:5-8 And When You Pray 8/4/2024 Worship Service
The Lord’s Prayer comes in the middle of what has been called the “Sermon on the Mount.” This is a sermon where Jesus describes how the people of his kingdom will be blessed, and what life as a “kingdom person” looks like – both eternally and in the present.
Exodus 2:1-10 In God We Trust 7/21/24
Believe that God is for his people – and that Jesus is the ultimate fulfillment of God’s promises and care.
2 Peter 3:14-18 Growing in Jesus 6/30/24
Embrace God’s plan. Summarizing his earlier point, Peter points out that Jesus hasn’t yet returned because God’s plan calls for time so that many throughout the ages will be saved (including you and I!). We “wait” because God’s plan is best and merciful and gracious.
2 Peter 3:8-13 What Are We Waiting For 6/23/24
We wait for God’s perfect timing. What seems like a “delay” to us is actually intentionally planned by the Lord. Jesus has not yet come back because the Lord is giving the blessing of time to all who will trust in Christ. His timeline is not our own and that is actually great news!
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We are a member church of the Evangelical Free Church of America.