Exodus 5:10-6:1 What is God Doing? 11/24/2024 Worship Service
God: what are you doing? Moses comes to God with his frustrations: why hasn’t the Lord rescued his people? In response, God tells Moses that he is still in control and that this entire situation is part of his plan.
Exodus 5:1-9 The Cost of Obedience 11/17/2024 Worship Service
God called Moses to speak his word to both the Hebrews and to Pharaoh. Much to his own surprise, the meeting with the leaders of the Hebrews went smoothly! Perhaps he thinks meeting with Pharaoh will be easy, too?
Exodus 4:18-31 God’s Son 11/10/2024 Worship Service
How God rescues. Moses has been disobedient to God’s covenant promises, so how could he ever be a leader of God’s people? The answer is that – just like with our salvation – Moses is rescued by the actions and blood of another. God’s provision for him will mark him for the rest of his life.
Exodus 4:1-17 God’s Call for You – 11/3/2024 Worship Service
God provides all that we need to be found faithful in the calling that he has given to us. What we most need is not more skills or confidence, but to trust our Lord.
October 27, 2024 Worship Service
Know God’s name. Our God has – amazingly! – given his name to his people. He doesn’t hold us at arm’s length, but instead intentionally pursues a relationship with us.
Exodus 3:1-12 Delivered: From and To – 10/20/2024 Worship Service
Exodus has given us two stories up to this point – the enslavement of the Hebrews and the miraculous upbringing of Moses that eventually led to his fleeing from pharaoh. Now in chapter 3, we find these stories converging as the God who hears his people prepares for their rescue.
Missions Conference Sunday – 10/13/2024
Leaders from the Central District of the EFCA join us for worship.
1 Peter 2:11-12 Exiles Living for God’s Glory 10/6/2024
Christians are beloved by God, and live as exiles in this broken world,
September 29, 2024 Worship Service
God is answering prayer. If even a wicked judge will grant justice in response to persistence, how much more our loving and good Father? He will give us all we need, exactly when we need it, according to his perfect plans. Our challenge? Will we keep praying – and therefore, keep trusting him – while we wait?
September 22, 2024 Worship Service
Pray boldly. When it comes to prayer, the people of God are not to come to him timidly, wondering whether our God wants to hear from us. Rather, we are to come with all the confidence of sons and daughters of the King.
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We are a member church of the Evangelical Free Church of America.