2 Peter 3:1-7 His Words Endure 6/16/24
When mockers mock, they forget. Mockers make a very wrong assumption when they look at the world and conclude that God won’t keep his promises: the very world we see is what God has created. God has acted in the past, we have every reason to believe his promises for the future.
2 Peter 2:17-22 What Do They Deliver? 6/9/2024
Peter has addressed the problems of false teachers and their ways, now he clarifies the specific dangers.
June 2, 2024 Worship Service
Christ calls his people to not only know about truth, but also to example it in our lives. Our words and actions should reflect the integrity of our Savior.
Crosstalk: the Trinity – an Interview with Dr. Donald Fairbairn, Jr.
We invite you to listen to our interview of Dr. Fairbairn, author of one of our recommended resources, the Trinity. You can find his book on our resource table. He […]
Ephesians 2:1-10 See as The Lord Sees
Guest Speaker Jim Wilson, Director of Men’s Residents at The Gospel Mission, preaches a sermon from Ephesians. Notice: JavaScript is required for this content.
2 Peter 2:4-10a The Judge Who Rescues 5/19/2024
The God who judges and rescues. Using three examples from Genesis, Peter shows how the God of the universe is both the rightful judge of everyone and everything, and also how he rescues his people from the judgment that we deserve.
2 Peter 2:1-3 False Teaching Will End 5/12/24
What a false teacher does. Peter points out three main indicators of a false teacher (= a false prophet): they are secretive in their mission of undermining God’s truth, they bring in division against what the scriptures teach, and they deny or minimize Jesus.
May 5, 2024 Worship Service
Christ is not a myth. Just as in our day, there were folks in Peter’s era trying to downplay or deny who Christ is and what he has accomplished. To combat this, Peter refers to his own experience: at the transfiguration, he saw Jesus in his glory. Peter beheld his Savior and King in a way that was undeniable, and which was confirmed by the voice of the Father from heaven. So, when Peter speaks of Christ, of turning to him and awaiting his return, Peter speaks truth.
April 28, 2024 Worship Service
God’s people are called to remember – to look back and recall truths that matter, so that we aren’t blown about by every new idea that comes along.
April 21, 2024 Worship Service
God-given effort. Peter’s point is that the knowledge of Christ is meant to be applied. It is less like an insurance policy and more like instructions: directions to a life of faithfulness and freedom and joy. We pursue that life as we pursue Christ-like virtues: not to save us (Jesus has already done that), not to keep us in the faith (Christ’s power is enough), but to grow in and respond to Jesus with our lives.
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