Communion Info for May 3, 2020

A reminder: we will have a “virtual” communion this coming Sunday. Recorded with the announcements portion of the service, I will walk us through communion like normal, as closely as possible to how I would do it if we were all here in person.

Here’s your part: prepare – in your grocery shopping this week, add grape juice and bread to your list. It doesn’t need to be anything special or elaborate – remember, these elements represent Christ’s body and blood – they themselves are not transformed. Participate – have a small amount of juice ready in a cup and a bit of bread at hand for each person who will take communion. Then, watch the video that will be available on Sunday morning, and we’ll walk through taking communion in a way that is as together as possible. What a wonderful testimony to our Lord that we can remember His sacrifice together during these times!

We are a member church of the Evangelical Free Church of America.



