February 11, 2024 Worship Service

Service Video:

  • Prelude
  • Worship through singing – 10:27
  • Welcome, Prayer, Missions and Camp Update – 13:18
  • Worship through singing – 27:01
  • Scripture reading – 32:29
  • Special music – 34:22
  • Worship through singing – 37:59
  • Worship through preaching – 41:50
  • Closing hymn – 1:08:04
  • Benediction – 1:10:33

“He Trusts in the Lord” > Psalm 22:1-31

22:1-18 The work of our Savior. This is a psalm that should be better known, because it’s all about our Savior’s work. David, writing prophetically (Acts 2:29-31), speaks not only of his own experiences as God’s king of Israel, but he also foreshadows what Jesus would (and did) experience. Because Jesus suffered, everyone who has hope in Him shall live.

22:19-31 The joy of His people. The final part of this psalm changes tone abruptly: only something as gracious and merciful as the death and resurrection of our Savior can turn the cry of despair in verses 1-2 in to the joy of God’s people forevermore in verses 29-31.

Background: Psalm 22 is dwelt upon by the Gospel writers because they see how Christ’s life and death perfectly fulfilled what David had prophesied so long ago.

The Point: Though suffering, Jesus did not abandon God’s plan. He did not turn away from what it took to redeem us. As we follow Him, we will also suffer, but Christ’s ultimate work enables us to endure with faith and to look to our eternal future with joy.

Head: Believe that Jesus is the King who suffers for His people; His work means salvation for all who trust Him.

Heart: How will you respond to Christ’s work on the cross?

Hands: Who do you know who needs to hear the hope of Christ’s faithful suffering? Who will you tell?

Here is how I will apply these truths: ___________________


We are a member church of the Evangelical Free Church of America.



