First E-Free Updates – March 18, 2020

Dear church: as you can imagine, there is a lot going on behind the scenes here at First E-Free, just as I am sure is the same for many of you in your homes and places of work as well. Know that we are praying for you and trusting the Lord for His care and provision each day. Looking forward, here are the updates we have at this time:

  1. The church building will remain closed for the foreseeable future. At this point, the governor of Iowa has ordered that no groups over ten people meet together, which would prohibit nearly all of our regular programs. As stated earlier, the church leadership will continue to re-evaluate the situation every two weeks. Any updates will continue to be posted on the church website.
  2. We have heard from a number of you that you aren’t receiving emails from the church office. We are trying out a new solution and sending emails from a different address ( If you know that you are on the list and are still not receiving updates as of today, then please let us know. Similarly, if you are somebody in our congregation who wants to be on the list but hasn’t signed up, then we’d be happy to add you.
  3. There will be Sunday school and worship service materials available on our website each Sunday morning. These will include written Sunday school lessons for both children and adults as well as links to related songs, discussion questions, and the like. Similarly, the sermon will be recorded and available for viewing on the website each Sunday, alongside several links to songs and related resources. If you are on a slow internet connection or otherwise unable to view videos online, contact the church office and we would be happy to mail printed materials to you each week.
  4. While the church staff is doing what they can to minimize costs during this time (turning down thermostats, keeping unnecessary lights off, etc.), a number of fixed expenses still remain. We are working at making an online giving solution available soon and will let you know when it is ready. Another option is to check with your bank or credit union’s “online bill pay” service. Though details will vary depending upon your institution, many places will be happy to mail a check in whatever amount you choose to an address of your choice. Call your bank or credit union for details. And, of course, for everyone who remains in a position to keep giving, feel free to mail a check to the church office at: First Evangelical Free Church 401 9th Street Sioux City, IA 51101.
  5. Given our mission of being and making disciples, we are looking at ways to help everyone connect throughout each week. Plans are pending and will be made available once we know more.

Brothers and sisters, let me close simply with a reminder that even during times like these, the Lord cares for His people. You need not fear when the Scriptures give us eternal truths to cling to, truths that are greater than whatever does or does not come to pass in our world; truths like these: “38 For I am sure that neither death nor life, nor angels nor rulers, nor things present nor things to come, nor powers, 39 nor height nor depth, nor anything else in all creation, will be able to separate us from the love of God in Christ Jesus our Lord.” (Romans 8, ESV) Amen!

We are a member church of the Evangelical Free Church of America.



