Service Video:
- Worship through singing – 9:21
- Announcements & Prayer – 21:36
- Scripture Reading – 28:14
- Special Music – 30:02
- Worship through singing – 33:04
- Worship through preaching – 36:45
- Closing hymn – 1:15:17
- Benediction – 1:18:19
What Do We Do Now? > Hebrews 13:1-25
13:1-6 The “forest.” As we come to the end, the author first wants his audience to remember the big picture of following Jesus – these are the baselines for growing in Christ.
13:7-19 The “trees.” To be more specific, the author now turns our attention to the precise things he has addressed in this letter: trusting Christ more than traditions or influential teachers, looking for faithful followers of Christ to imitate.
13:20-21 The blessing. Ultimately, all of these applications won’t matter one bit if they aren’t powered by Christ himself. Here’s the good news: they are. This sort of faithfulness is God’s will, and he will provide all we need to be faithful in it.
13:22-25 The farewell. A few last words: we are to be faithful do-ers of what we have learned in this book, and we are to be faithful at caring well for the folks God has put in our lives.
Background: This chapter takes the points made throughout the book and offers applications for all of the major themes.
The Point: To take this book seriously, we must think and act differently. We must prize God’s will lived-out in our lives.
Head: How are you doing with following Christ in each of these areas?
Heart: What beliefs do you need to embrace as a result of these teachings? What wrong beliefs do you need to reject?
Hands: How will you be a do-er of the truths of this book?
Here is how I will apply these truths: ___________________