John 3:1-15 To Enter The Kingdom…

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To Enter The Kingdom… > John 3:1-15

3:1-8 Nicodemus – a Pharisee and ruler of the Jews – comes to Christ by night with a statement that turns into a series of questions. Jesus puts forth the topic that matters most: to see the coming Kingdom, you must be born again.

3:9-15 Nicodemus is quite confused – he, like many of us, has been thinking of things only in “earthly” terms rather than spiritual ones. Therefore, Christ explains His teaching by going one step further: to be born again, you must believe in the Son of Man.

Context: We are sometimes prone to only focusing on verse 16 of John 3, yet the entire chapter gives us a larger picture of Christ’s work and our transformation than we might otherwise be familiar with. Christ’s reference to the serpent in the wilderness comes from Numbers 21.

Aim: John wants all who read his Gospel to understand that the Christian life consists of trusting in Jesus so that we would have a new birth and enter into the coming Kingdom.

Gospel: Especially clear are verses 13-15: Jesus is the Son of Man – the reference is to Daniel 7, which should be understood as a prophecy of Christ being given power to rule and reign. Similarly, this Son of Man will be raised up as a sacrifice for His people.

Applications: Do you want a kingdom that is greater than the best this world could ever offer? Do you long for it? And if so, do you trust Jesus to secure it for you? Do you believe in Him? What evidence is there in you of new birth? Praise God for it! Who will you share this good news with?

Here is how I will apply these truths: ___________________


We are a member church of the Evangelical Free Church of America.



