March 17, 2024 Worship Service

Service Video:

  • Prelude
  • Worship through singing – 10:36
  • Welcome and Prayer – 14:38
  • Worship through singing – 18:50
  • Scripture Reading – 31:22
  • Special Music – 33:06
  • Worship through singing – 36:36
  • Worship through preaching – 39:35
  • Closing hymn – 1:12:56
  • Benediction – 1:15:55

Unity, Protection, Joy > John 17:6-19

17:6-10 Equipped with God’s truth. The center part of Christ’s high priestly prayer relates to the disciples and the mission that they have been called to. Ultimately, Jesus prays for them as the ones who have responded to the truth of who he is, and the ones who are entrusted by him with fulfilling the disciple-making mission which will follow.

17:11-19 Sent out with God’s truth. Just as the disciples have been equipped, they are also sent with what they need most: Christ’s own prayer that they would have supernatural unity, God’s own protection, and lasting joy in the midst of trials.

Background: John 17 comes at the very end of what has been called the “farewell discourse.” These are Christ’s final teachings to the disciples before his arrest and death. This central part of the prayer shifts from focusing on Christ’s own work to what will be accomplished through the disciples.

The Point: Christ’s care for the disciples has led them to be equipped with all that they need to further the mission of God through the power and enabling of God himself.

Head: Know that the Lord equips his people for faithfulness in every situation that he leads us into.

Heart: Treasure the care and love which Christ has for his church.

Hands: Pray for unity among Christians, for protection from those who oppose Christ’s rule, and for joy amidst hardships.

Here is how I will apply these truths: ___________________


We are a member church of the Evangelical Free Church of America.



