Mark 1:1-8 The Gospel Begins – 1/12/25 Worship Service

Service Video:

  • Prelude
  • Worship through singing – 8:46
  • Welcome & Prayer – 23:50
  • Scripture – 32:28
  • Special Music – 33:25
  • Worship through singing – 37:37
  • Worship through preaching – 40:01
  • Worship through singing – 1:07:23

The Gospel Begins > Mark 1:1-8

1:1 The gospel is all about Jesus. From Mark’s very first words we read that this testimony will be all about Jesus.

1:2-3 The gospel begins with preparation and proclamation. The way that God’s good news goes forth is by the fulfillment of prophecy from one who was sent to prepare the way.

1:4-5 The gospel leads to holiness. The proper response to God’s good news is to have faith in God’s promises, which is expressed by repentance.

1:6-8 The gospel points to one greater than John. Though John is the messenger, his role is to point to one who was greater than him in every way.

Background: Mark’s gospel centers on who Christ is and what he has done in a way that is uniquely action-packed and told from a “right there in the middle of it” point of view.

The Point: God’s gospel has been promised since the Old Testament, and Mark was called to record how those promises unfolded for the blessing of God’s people.

Head: Know that the gospel is good news about Jesus for all who will respond to him.

Heart: Believe that God offers forgiveness for your sins – trust him to cleanse you and give you eternal hope.

Hands: How will you respond to Jesus? When will you tell others of what Christ has done for you?

Here is how I will apply these truths: ___________________


We are a member church of the Evangelical Free Church of America.



