Mark 14:12-25 In Remembrance

In Remembrance > Mark 14:12-25

14:12-16 The meal of the past: Jesus has the disciples prepare a Passover meal for them to celebrate. The location for this meal and the details surrounding it will be provided in such a way that shows that Jesus is in charge of the entire situation.

14:17-21 The meal of the present: as the disciples are eating, Christ reveals that one of them will betray Him. Even though they question who it could be, Jesus makes clear that this – too – will happen just as He has said.

14:22-25 The meal of the future: what we call the Lord’s Supper points forward. During the disciples’ time, it points towards Christ’s death and resurrection. Even now, as it reminds us of Christ’s work on the cross, it also points us forward to His return and coming kingdom.

Emphasis: Mark shows us the transformation of a Jewish meal for remembrance into a Christian meal anticipating Christ’s return and rule.

Context: Earlier in the chapter, we saw Jesus anointed for burial. Now, we are told of the coming betrayal, which will happen after Christ prays in the garden (Mark 14:43).

Theme: Christ is the Passover lamb – He will quite literally be the sacrifice for our sins. But unlike every other Passover lamb, Jesus will also live again and return for His people.

Gospel: This is why Christ has come – He will die in our place and for our sins. His body and blood have been given for us so that, if we would have faith, we shall have eternal life with Him and bring Him glory forever and ever.

Applications: Do you feast upon Christ by trusting and obeying Him as your Savior? Are you living in such a way now that shows you are waiting for His return?

We are a member church of the Evangelical Free Church of America.



