Mark 4:1-20 Ears to Hear? 3/9/25 Worship Service

Service Video:

Ears to Hear? > Mark 4:1-20

4:1-9 Who will hear and grow? This parable is intended to make those who hear it think. We read of a farmer sowing seed which lands upon four different types of ground. Only one type is faithful, and that faithfulness takes three forms.

4:10-12 Genuine disciples do grow. As Mark often writes, the meaning is placed in the middle: the parables are given for the understanding of those who will hear, of those who respond to Jesus. They are also given for the judgment of those who refuse Jesus.

4:13-20 Genuine disciples will grow. Jesus’ explanation makes sense of how folks have been responding to (or rejecting) him in Mark’s gospel. Only those who turn to Christ and respond to his word can truly be called his disciples.

The Point: Disciples are those who follow Jesus and respond to his words. Every other response leads away from Christ.

Prayer: Father, thank you for drawing your people to you. Give us eyes to see and ears to hear so that we would understand and respond faithfully. Convict and work in the heart of many to respond to your Son.

Application: Genuine discipleship is not only hearing but also responding to what you hear. True disciples believe what Jesus proclaims about himself. Are you responding? Do you believe him? Disciples then take what Christ has taught and obey it – they seek to grow in holiness. Will you pursue Jesus? What will that look like in your life this week?

Here is how I will apply these truths: ___________________


We are a member church of the Evangelical Free Church of America.



