Service Video:
Hearing the Kingdom > Mark 4:21-41
4:21-25 Listen carefully… Jesus gives two word-pictures that illustrate one crucial point: to those who will listen, who will consider Christ and his words, God will reveal his truths. To those who refuse Jesus or won’t consider him carefully, his truths will remain confusing and veiled.
4:26-34 …God is growing his kingdom… Mark records two more of Christ’s parables, each having to do with God’s kingdom. First, the kingdom is growing and God is the one growing it. Second, the kingdom may look unimpressive, but the end result will be nothing short of astounding.
4:35-41 …and Jesus is the King. Mark records that this well-known miracle happened on the same day as when Christ was teaching about the kingdom. Most importantly, the disciples fear Jesus more than the waves. Why? Because Jesus has the power of God! He is the King of the kingdom!
The Point: Pay close attention to Jesus – listen in order to respond by faith. Eliminate all distractions so that you would truly hear and understand what he says.
Prayer: Heavenly Father, thank you for revealing to your people what we most need to know: Jesus is King! Work in our hearts to devote ourselves to serving and enjoying our King and to introduce others to him.
Application: Listening well means hearing and believing. How will you prioritize the words of the King in your life this week? How can you help somebody else to pay attention to him?
Here is how I will apply these truths: ___________________