
Online Worship – March 22, 2020

Good morning First E-Free! Things are a bit different today, but I’m excited for how the Lord will use us and grow our faith even in spite of the challenges that much of the world is currently experiencing.

We have both family and adult Sunday school materials available that come right out of our Gospel Project curriculum. You can find the lessons below:

Today’s Worship Service:

Song: Christ the Sure and Steady Anchor

Announcements Video

Audio Announcements

Prayer: Heavenly Father, you tell us in your Word to trust you for all that we need – for daily bread and forgiveness. We praise you that, in Christ, all who look to Him as Savior have that forgiveness. We trust you, that what you provide – even in times like these where we are tempted towards fear or anger or despair – we trust that you will provide all that is necessary for us to live in a way that glorifies Christ. Even now, Lord, would you change our hearts and minds so that we would resist the temptations towards frustration, or only thinking about ourselves during this time? And instead, would you put into us a genuine love for others and a willingness to be patient and kind, to be inconvenienced, and to look for ways to strengthen and encourage our fellow church members, our neighbors, and our city even from afar. Father, the only way that we can do this is if you do the work in us – and if you convince us that the Lord we serve truly is God in the flesh. Would you do exactly that from your Gospel this morning. Amen.

Sometimes it’s difficult to sit and listen through a sermon – and all the more with the distractions of being at home! The following two files are blank pages for children and youth to use while making sermon notes. Feel free to print them off and use them in your own family if you find them helpful (source).

Sermon Video: John 5:30-47

Sermon Audio

Closing Song: Come, Behold the Wondrous Mystery

Benediction: May Christ dwell in your hearts through faith—that you, being rooted and grounded in love, may have strength to comprehend with all the saints what is the breadth and length and height and depth, and to know the love of Christ that surpasses knowledge, that you may be filled with all the fullness of God. (from Ephesians 3:17-19)

We are a member church of the Evangelical Free Church of America.



