Philippians 2:19-30 Faithful Examples

Pastor Kevin Miller continues the series in Philippians.

Faithful Examples > Philippians 2:19-30

2:19-24 Much of Paul’s teaching in chapter 2 has revolved around following after Christ’s example in humility and attitude. But Paul wants to do more for the Philippians than simply tell them how to be disciples, he also wants them to see and know what it looks like firsthand. How can this be done? Though Paul himself is in prison, he decides to send Timothy to Philippi as soon as possible. Timothy is a living embodiment of the very things that Paul has been writing to the Philippians and Timothy will be able to not only teach them and elaborate on what Paul has written, but also provide a living, breathing example as well.

2:25-30 That said, even Timothy isn’t immediately available – and Paul cares so much for the Philippians and their maturity that he wants to send them help and good leadership as soon as possible. So in the short term, he decides that sending Epaphroditus back to them will be the most helpful. This is a man whom the Philippians first sent to Paul to encourage and aid him in the ministry. While he was with the apostle, he became quite ill – so much so that it looked like he wouldn’t survive. And yet the Lord graciously restored him to health. Now Paul will send him back, both as an encouragement and as an example of Christ-like humility and attitude.

Be: Could you be an example of humble faithfulness to somebody else right here in the church? What folks need most isn’t necessarily the pastor or the smartest “expert” – instead they need a real-life, faithful example of how to follow Jesus. This is the very definition of discipleship…

Make: …and it’s something that we need to be willing to do as a church. God did not spare His Son for our sake, we must – likewise – not spare our best folks for the growth of the Gospel and the joy of telling about the Kingdom.

We are a member church of the Evangelical Free Church of America.



