Tag: 1 Timothy

  • Thumbnail for the post titled: September 26, 2021 Worship Service

    September 26, 2021 Worship Service

    Our identity is in Christ, not the world. He perfectly displayed not only what it looks like to be masculine, but He also perfectly honored and affirmed true femininity as well.

  • Thumbnail for the post titled: September 19, 2021 Worship Service

    September 19, 2021 Worship Service

    Paul wants his readers to understand that prayer for other people is not something minor, it’s not a “nice to have” sort of thing for when there’s nothing else to pray about. Instead, it is part and parcel of how the Gospel goes forth.

  • Thumbnail for the post titled: September 12, 2021 Worship Service

    September 12, 2021 Worship Service

    Celebrating Christ’s mercy: we often speak of Christ’s perfect life and His sacrificial death (and we should!), but we frequently overlook His mercy given to us. Paul sums up the mission of Christ when he states that “Christ Jesus came into the world to save sinners…” That mission brought eternal benefit to Paul, just as it will to all who trust in Christ.

  • Thumbnail for the post titled: September 5, 2021 Worship Service

    September 5, 2021 Worship Service

    Disciples of Jesus aren’t marked by legalism, superstitions, or any other “ism.” Instead, we are marked by how our Savior has loved us and calls us to love in response.

We are a member church of the Evangelical Free Church of America.



