Tag: Mark
Mark 4:21-41 Hearing the Kingdom 3/16/25 Worship Service
…God is growing his kingdom… Mark records two more of Christ’s parables, each having to do with God’s kingdom. First, the kingdom is growing and God is the one growing it. Second, the kingdom may look unimpressive, but the end result will be nothing short of astounding.
Mark 4:1-20 Ears to Hear? 3/9/25 Worship Service
Genuine discipleship is not only hearing but also responding to what you hear. True disciples believe what Jesus proclaims about himself. Are you responding? Do you believe him? Disciples then take what Christ has taught and obey it – they seek to grow in holiness. Will you pursue Jesus?
Mark 3:20-35 Part of the Family 3/2/2025
How you respond to Jesus reveals what you believe about him.
Mark 3:13-19 Called by Jesus 2/23/25
Many call themselves Christian, but to truly be a Christian one must respond to Jesus Christ. Have you? Being a disciple of Jesus is having a relationship with him. Christ offers that to you – receive his offer! Disciples respond to Christ by taking his marching orders as their own.
Mark 3:1-12 Hard or Soft? 2/16/25 Worship Service
Service Video: Hard or Soft? > Mark 3:1-12 3:1-6 Hard hearts plot against Jesus. The religious officials see a man’s disability as a test of whether Jesus will follow their […]
Mark 2:13-28 Lord Over All 2/9/2025 Worship Service
Jesus is challenged three times with regard to religious practices. In each case, he shows how he has the authority to define what is true.
Mark 2:1-12 He Forgives Sins 2/2/2025 Worship Service
The confrontation. The faith of the friends and the paralyzed man – who is forgiven by Christ – is turned into a question: how is it that Jesus can forgive sins? Isn’t that something only God can do?
January 26, 2025 Worship Service
Jesus has all power and authority to carry out the kingdom mission that the Father has for him.
Mark 1:9-20 The Mission of Jesus 1/19/2025 Worship Service
Mark moves very quickly through pivotal events at the beginning of Christ’s ministry. His goal is to show us that Jesus is the called Messiah who is on a mission.
Mark 1:1-8 The Gospel Begins – 1/12/25 Worship Service
God’s gospel has been promised since the Old Testament, and Mark was called to record how those promises unfolded for the blessing of God’s people.
Sermon Podcast

We are a member church of the Evangelical Free Church of America.