Tag: Miller

  • Thumbnail for the post titled: Mark 3:1-12  Hard or Soft?  2/16/25 Worship Service

    Mark 3:1-12 Hard or Soft? 2/16/25 Worship Service

    Service Video: Hard or Soft? > Mark 3:1-12 3:1-6 Hard hearts plot against Jesus. The religious officials see a man’s disability as a test of whether Jesus will follow their […]

  • Thumbnail for the post titled: Mark 2:13-28  Lord Over All   2/9/2025 Worship Service

    Mark 2:13-28 Lord Over All 2/9/2025 Worship Service

    Jesus is challenged three times with regard to religious practices. In each case, he shows how he has the authority to define what is true.

  • Thumbnail for the post titled: Mark 2:1-12  He Forgives Sins  2/2/2025 Worship Service

    Mark 2:1-12 He Forgives Sins 2/2/2025 Worship Service

    The confrontation. The faith of the friends and the paralyzed man – who is forgiven by Christ – is turned into a question: how is it that Jesus can forgive sins? Isn’t that something only God can do?

  • Thumbnail for the post titled: January 26, 2025 Worship Service

    January 26, 2025 Worship Service

    Jesus has all power and authority to carry out the kingdom mission that the Father has for him.

  • Thumbnail for the post titled: Mark 1:9-20  The Mission of Jesus   1/19/2025 Worship Service

    Mark 1:9-20 The Mission of Jesus 1/19/2025 Worship Service

    Mark moves very quickly through pivotal events at the beginning of Christ’s ministry. His goal is to show us that Jesus is the called Messiah who is on a mission.

  • Thumbnail for the post titled: Mark 1:1-8  The Gospel Begins – 1/12/25 Worship Service

    Mark 1:1-8 The Gospel Begins – 1/12/25 Worship Service

    God’s gospel has been promised since the Old Testament, and Mark was called to record how those promises unfolded for the blessing of God’s people.

  • Thumbnail for the post titled: Exodus 6:2-13  Remember God’s Words 1/5/25 Worship Service

    Exodus 6:2-13 Remember God’s Words 1/5/25 Worship Service

    Trust what God will do. So often in the scriptures the cure to doubt is not to seek for a different answer or some other thing from the Lord. Instead, what is needed most is to hear the same truths of God again, that you would remember, that you would watch and wait with hope, and that you would walk by faith.

  • Thumbnail for the post titled: Matthew 2:1-12  Come Ready   12/29/2024 Worship Service

    Matthew 2:1-12 Come Ready 12/29/2024 Worship Service

    From nearly the beginning of Matthew’s gospel, we find two reactions to Jesus – faith, shown by worship; and rejection, shown by plots and rebelling against God.

  • Thumbnail for the post titled: John 1:29-34  Not Me, But He!  12/22/2024 Worship Service

    John 1:29-34 Not Me, But He! 12/22/2024 Worship Service

    The one we’ve waited for. John has gone to great lengths to ensure nobody thinks that he is the messiah. Instead, John’s role is to point toward, to prepare the way for, the arrival of the messiah. Here, now, we find John proclaiming that Jesus is the one: he is the Lamb of God, he has come to take away the sin of the world.

  • Thumbnail for the post titled: Advent 2024 – John 1:14-18   Knowing God   12/15/2024 Worship Service

    Advent 2024 – John 1:14-18 Knowing God 12/15/2024 Worship Service

    You can see. John’s report should amaze us: the Word who is fully God and who created all things took on flesh and dwelt among his people! His glory has been known firsthand and his grace and truth were made clear to all. He is the one whom John the Baptist prepared the way for.

We are a member church of the Evangelical Free Church of America.



