Tag: Miller
January 15, 2023 Sermon
Genuine, Christ-honoring ministry is not about worldly success. It isn’t measured by how accepted (or not!) we are. Paul shows that even in the midst of opposition, God was still at work. His goal wasn’t to please people, but instead was God’s honor.
January 8, 2023 Sermon
What disciples do. Very practically, we read that the Thessalonians were following Christ in four distinct ways: they had turned away from worshiping anything or anyone other than Him, they were patiently awaiting Christ’s return, they believed that Jesus truly was the Messiah, and they believed that His work would rescue them from their sins.
Crosstalk Season 2
Season 2 of Crosstalk has arrived! In our first episode, we offer encouragement and advice on preparing for Sunday worship.
January 1, 2023 Sermon
It is significant that the first “topic” Paul writes on is thanksgiving: gratefulness for this imperfect church filled with fairly new believers. Paul’s gratefulness specifically revolves around the fact that the Thessalonians don’t just believe Christ on an intellectual level, but rather that the Gospel is transforming how they live and act.
December 25, 2022 Sermon
Jesus’ work in His life and through the cross is offered to all who trust Him. This Jesus, our King, has done everything necessary for our eternal salvation and our everlasting joy.
December 4, 2022 Sermon
Jesus is the object of our faith. We don’t have faith in “faith,” no: we have faith in Christ! His arrival at that first advent gives us hope for His return at the second advent.
November 27, 2022 Sermon
Because of this, we read that Moses was a faithful servant in God’s house. Yet, Christ is greater: He is a Son, and therefore has authority over God’s house. We can be a part of that “house” (family, household, generation) by trusting in and clinging to Christ.
November 20, 2022 Sermon
This is what the entire letter has been about: Christian relationships. What Paul is calling Philemon and Onesimus to is the same thing he examples at the end of the letter: Jesus Christ changes how we relate to each other.
October 30, 2022 Sermon
Times of transition are times of learning to care for Christ’s church and times of trusting in the Lord of the church more than in our own “heroes” or preferences.
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We are a member church of the Evangelical Free Church of America.