Tag: Miller
October 16, 2022 Sermon
Christ has defeated sin and death! Someday, it will be no more at all. What Jesus has done is to fulfill all of God’s promises such that the curse of death no longer has a hold over the eternity of God’s people. Rejoice!
September 25, 2022 Sermon
The reality of sin, the need for forgiveness, the transformation of the Gospel – these are the things that Christ offers; this inheritance is given to every Christian.
September 18, 2022 Sermon
Foreigners (Joseph’s sons) are brought into the family of God by grace. It is no different for anybody else: all who trust in Christ are adopted into God’s family.
September 4, 2022 Sermon
Christ exhibited the traits that Paul lists writes about here, but even more, He is the One who has made our unity with God possible.
August 7, 2022 Sermon
Judah’s plea. Judah – in a complete turnaround from what we’ve seen of him in the past – pleads for Benjamin to be freed. In exchange, he offers his own life up as a slave. In this we see that Judah and the other brothers have changed from when they had sold Joseph into slavery.
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We are a member church of the Evangelical Free Church of America.