Tag: Miller
March 19, 2023 Worship Service
The cross of Christ is where our brokenness meets God’s forgiveness. His grace is enough to redeem His people.
Crosstalk 2.2: Mission with Meaning – An Interview with EFCA President Kevin Kompelien
"The compassionate heart of God for lost people in a broken world, to reconcile them back to Him."
March 12, 2023 Worship Service
Believe that the Lord desires to bless His people, and that you can lay hold of His blessing by trusting Christ.
March 5, 2023 Worship Service
Believe that the Lord works for your good, even when you aren’t sure how or why. Trust all that He says.
February 26, 2023 Service
Where help is found. Where do you look for help? Is it to the One who made the heavens and the earth? We need the Lord to care for us not only in the crises of life, but also in our day-by-day existence as we trust and follow Him.
February 5, 2023 Service
Paul hearing about the Thessalonians brought him great joy, just as it encouraged them of his care. This sort of encouragement is what every Christian needs to grow in holiness and to follow the Lord as we serve one another.
January 29, 2023 Service
Paul’s desire. Paul explains his inability to return to the Thessalonians in heart-wrenching terms: he desperately wanted to be with them to help them grow in Christ, yet was prevented from doing so by the adversary.
January 22, 2023 Service
The church in Thessalonica adopted the very patterns of life of faithful believers who had gone before them, even to the extent of not shying away when persecution was the result. Paul sees this as evidence of them genuinely receiving the Gospel.
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We are a member church of the Evangelical Free Church of America.