Tag: The Lord’s Prayer
September 29, 2024 Worship Service
God is answering prayer. If even a wicked judge will grant justice in response to persistence, how much more our loving and good Father? He will give us all we need, exactly when we need it, according to his perfect plans. Our challenge? Will we keep praying – and therefore, keep trusting him – while we wait?
September 22, 2024 Worship Service
Pray boldly. When it comes to prayer, the people of God are not to come to him timidly, wondering whether our God wants to hear from us. Rather, we are to come with all the confidence of sons and daughters of the King.
September 8, 2024 Worship Service
Daily deliverance: As with our daily needs for food and forgiveness, we also need our Lord to provide rescue – we need him to deliver us from our temptations to rebel against him and from the schemes of the devil.
Matthew 6:12 Forgiven and Forgiving 9/1/24 Worship Service
Forgiven… This one verse contains one of the most difficult challenges imaginable. First, we are to call upon our Lord to forgive us. We are to trust him – not ourselves, not our works, not our own efforts – to do what we cannot do. We are to ask our Lord to do what we desperately need him to do for us, and what only he can bring about for us. This is nothing short of believing and living in light of the gospel.
Matthew 6:11 Our Daily Bread 8/25/2024 Worship Service
We trust God… Though Christ’s instructions about daily bread are short, they are packed with one big point: God’s people are to trust him. We express that trust by regularly, dependently, and faithfully calling upon him.
August 18, 2024 Worship Service
These first “petitions” of the Lord’s Prayer all center upon our God. They put his will before our own, teaching us to desire what he wants first and foremost.
August 11, 2024 Worship Service
Who we pray to. Our prayers are directed not to a God who is far away or uncaring, but instead to one whom Jesus has given every Christian a relationship with. We can rightly call upon him as our “Father” – and what a privilege that is!
Matthew 6:5-8 And When You Pray 8/4/2024 Worship Service
The Lord’s Prayer comes in the middle of what has been called the “Sermon on the Mount.” This is a sermon where Jesus describes how the people of his kingdom will be blessed, and what life as a “kingdom person” looks like – both eternally and in the present.
Sermon Podcast

We are a member church of the Evangelical Free Church of America.