
Titus 1:10-16 Contrast

Pastor Kevin Miller preaches the second sermon in the Titus series.

Contrast > Titus 1:10-16

1:10-11 A portrait of the “anti” overseer and what they do – it’s nothing like what Paul says that Titus should be looking for in faithful men who will serve Christ’s church!

1:12-14 The Cretan’s themselves have blind spots that need to be lovingly pointed out so that they can be faithful.

1:15-16 The result of seeing these selfish examples of unfaithfulness, and being challenged to grow in spiritual maturity, is meant to allow the Cretan’s to recognize the hypocrisy of those who were trying to influence them.

Emphasis: Note the contrast between faithful overseers (1:5-9) and those who ignore (and even oppose!) the Gospel.

Context: Paul just wrote to Titus regarding what a faithful servant of Christ’s people looks like. Now he writes of the need for such faithful men – and it’s because there are folks right in their midst trying to lead them astray.

Theme: From what we’ve seen so far, God’s authority is meant to protect God’s people. Rejecting that authority leads to disunity, weakness in the faith, and denial of the Lord.

Gospel: Christ – unlike the false religious teachers of the time – taught with authority (Mark 1:22), which was a wonderful thing meant to challenge and grow everyone who responded. Christ’s authority brings lasting peace to those who trust Him.

Applications: Faithful leadership matters – a church might survive under deceitful leaders, but it will not thrive. It matters in the family as well, because what a person believes affects how they live and treat others. What sort of leadership are you displaying? Is it for yourself and your own glory? Or for others and Christ’s glory? Does your example point those around you to the gracious King?

We are a member church of the Evangelical Free Church of America.



