Titus 3:1-11 Christians In Public

Christians in Public > Titus 3:1-11

3:1-2 Paul’s teachings are following a path throughout this letter. He begins by telling Titus what needs to be done (appoint overseers) and what the problems are (false teachers). Then, in chapter 2, Paul teaches about how the Cretans are to live out their faith one to another. Now, in chapter 3, Paul is teaching on how Christians are to take their faith into the public square where they live, work, and play.

3:3-7 Our love for the people we come into contact with should reflect Christ’s love for us – we have been saved and we should look for ways to show others how to have that same hope. “We perform good deeds to sinful people because that is what God has done for us.”

3:8-11 Circling back to an issue at the beginning of the letter, Paul shows us how this is all connected and how false teaching distracts from our God-given purpose.

Emphasis: Christians are to take the pattern of serving one another (chapter 2) and apply it to the world around us.

Context: Gospel-fueled, Gospel-motivated service is what will build up Christian fellowship and God-glorifying witness to a world desperately in need.

Theme: We have been given Christ’s mercy, now we are called to display it through our works and actions in society.

Gospel: Jesus Christ has changed all who believe – we have been regenerated from death to life, and that must change us not only spiritually, but in our words and deeds also.

Applications: Your Christian faith must change how you live in this world. It changes your perspective on government, your coworkers, and how you get along with others. First and foremost, it should change you and what others see in you.

We are a member church of the Evangelical Free Church of America.



