Today, we have three articles and a video on thinking well. The topics might seem unrelated at first, but they all revolve around thinking Christianly, and therefore truthfully. This sort of thinking isn’t what is promoted in most corners of our world because it requires thoughtfulness, perspective, and not simply following and believing whatever is popular. Instead, this is the kind of thinking that asks and answers “how do we faithfully follow our Lord in this life?”
- Past: The Norwegian heritage of the Evangelical Free Church of America is something that most in the EFCA probably don’t know much about. This ~30 minute video is a helpful introduction to what the Lord has done in our history as a denomination.
- Present: Kevin DeYoung, in his trademark fashion of playing devil’s advocate, highlights the contradictions of our culture’s thinking on male and female.
- Future: How can Christians keep from falling into the confusing, illogical – not to mention unbiblical – thinking of our age? Kevin DeYoung speaks to how we should carefully think through what it looks like to raise children who love the Lord (available as both an article and a podcast). Trevin Wax calls us to look outside of our immediate bubble and instead to learn from the global church.