WYT: February 27, 2023

One of our constant challenges as Christians – perhaps one of our biggest challenges! – is to actually believe that God is the King. That He is in charge of everyone and everything. That He is sovereign. Part of this challenge comes from our own human will: we want to be in charge, we want to be the captains of our own destiny. Part of it likely comes from our current culture (for those reading this in the West): we believe that individualism is best. Another part of it likely stems from the waters that we swim in here in the States: we often have an impersonal view of God where He acts something like a friendly grandpa or a magic genie, only doing “good things” (however we define those) for people. Yet, the Biblical example is far different. When C. S. Lewis describes Aslan in the Chronicles of Narnia as “good, but not safe,” he was on to something that we tend to struggle with if we have a sentimental view of God.

The reality is that if God is not sovereign, if He is not in control, then we have far more problems, both in this life and theologically, then we might expect. Why pray if God can’t do anything about it? If God isn’t sovereign, how can you know if you will genuinely be saved to eternal life or not? If God isn’t in absolute control, can we really believe that He will win over sin and the devil in the end? Or might there be a chance that the tables will be turned? And these troubles are only the tip of the iceberg!

Thankfully, the Bible is extremely clear on God’s rule. From Jesus calming the storm, to the Lord directing Pharoah’s heart (indeed, the entire story of Joseph is one of God’s sovereignty on display), to Jonah and the big fish, to casting a “lot” and seeing what is determined, the Lord is in control of all these things. The Scriptures present this as good news – as truth that should reassure us and build up our faith and trust. I’m grateful to Tim Challies for pointing to an excellent list of scripture passages that clearly reveal God’s rule over all things.

Speaking of Tim, he recently wrote an excellent article about our tendency to try and find ways to get God “off the hook” for things that are difficult or tragic in our world. Friends: we may not always know the answers or reasoning, but we can trust that God is good. That He defines love. That His decisions are best. Make no mistake, I am not saying this flippantly. It will certainly not always be easy to have such trust. But it is right and correct and true to have this kind of a faith. What’s more, this kind of faith is what will sustain you when such times of trouble and trial come. We have a big God and we have a great God! His ways are higher than our own. Let’s not let our lack of understanding keep us from believing what is true. Let us pray alongside the father in Mark 9: “I believe; help my unbelief!”

We are a member church of the Evangelical Free Church of America.



