WYT: January 3, 2022

Welcome to the New Year! Sticking with the theme of reflecting on the previous year while looking forward to this year, we start with two articles: one on archaeology, the other on Bible reading…

  1. I am interested in archaeology and always find discoveries related to the Scriptures interesting. ChristianityToday has a roundup of ten discoveries from the past year. On a related note, I’ve been helped – and fascinated! – by the study notes in the ESV Archaeological Study Bible. I have no financial interest or gain in saying this, but instead simply wanted to give a nod in its direction as a very well put together Bible with helpful notes for better understanding the world of the Scriptures – which is often one of the major struggles that we twenty-first century Western Christians face.
  2. Glenna Marshall asks and answers a very important question that is often overlooked: what do we do with the Bible once we start reading it? Many of us (including me) are starting into new Bible reading programs at this time of the year, but once we’ve gotten into the habit of reading, what are we supposed to be doing as we read through those daily portions? Glenna’s post gives four helpful pointers. In a similar vein, two short books that I’ve personally found helpful and encouraging toward better Scripture reading are One to One Bible Reading by David Helm and Before You Open Your Bible by Matt Smethurst.

We are a member church of the Evangelical Free Church of America.



