This transition time of late spring into summer has brought a number of challenges and opportunities for faithfulness to our lives. What follows are three articles to inform and spur us on toward faithfulness…
- June has been declared by many to be “LGBT Pride Month,” and this has become evident through parades, news reports, online movements, and even employers nudging their employees to participate in various ways. Our society has embraced an “anything goes” idea of sexuality that seems to have no limits and is in complete opposition to God’s plan for our everlasting joy. The EFCA has produced a resource that I’ve found helpful and that our church abides by which you can read below (or click here for the original webpage). I think you’ll find it Biblical, clear, helpful, and gracious as you look to respond with Christ-exalting faithfulness in our changing world.
- In light of the many tragic shootings that have occurred over the past several weeks, you might be wondering how to talk to your children or grandchildren in a way that doesn’t promote fear, but does promote trust in the Lord. I found this article by Josh Weidmann helpful.
- Lastly, this past Sunday was “Church Multiplication Sunday” in the EFCA – a day when we pray for and think through how we can each be a part of multiplying healthy churches among all people. “We cannot underestimate what the Lord might do when we gather together to pray for the multiplication of transformational churches among all people, something that is so near and dear to His heart. Certainly, those gathered on the original day of Pentecost had no idea what was about to happen. What might the Lord do with us?” Andrew Hoffman writes a challenging and encouraging article…