WYT: March 20, 2023

This morning I’d like to point your attention toward two helpful resources…

The first is a parable written by Tim Challies about providence: “I want you to imagine that, at least for a time, the Lord would see fit to involve us in selecting the providences we would receive from his hand. I want you to imagine that through one of his deputies—an angel perhaps—he would approach us to ask how we would prefer to serve him. In other words, I want you to imagine that for just a while he would choose to offshore his sovereignty and outsource it to us. I expect it might go something like this…” What would it look like if God let us choose our own blessings – what would we gain? What would we lose? Read the rest of the story here…

Second, our church chairman and I have a wonderful opportunity to interview Kevin Kompelein, president of the EFCA. I found the interview extremely helpful and have set aside time to sit down and re-listen to it – that’s how encouraging and and challenging his comments were. I’d encourage you to carve out 30 minutes of your time and listen to it here.

We are a member church of the Evangelical Free Church of America.



