WYT: March 28, 2022

We live during a time when words are cheap. We are told to be constantly “expressing ourselves” and sharing whatever is on our mind. We are encouraged to speak and type without much thought or reflection because speed is deemed more important than wisdom. In short, we live in a world where it’s easy to misuse words. In that vein, I present three articles that all have to do with using words in one fashion or another…

  1. In 1 Timothy 3:3, we read that an overseer must not be “quarrelsome.” Yet, this isn’t something that only needs to be avoided by overseers in a church. As Paul Martin points out, Ephesians 4:31 speaks to this issue as well – and it does so in a way that applies to all Christians. How can you know if you are quarrelsome? “…if you’re prone to debate, to sow discord, or to cause strife, then you are a contentious, quarrelsome person. If you are hungry for a good online fight or more committed to winning an argument than winning over an opponent, then you are a quarrelsome person.” The whole article is worth a read…
  2. How do you react when you feel hurt? When you believe yourself to be wronged, what do you do? Many in our world think that the right response is a no-holds-barred counterattack that ruins the life of whoever has offended them. But is that the Christian response? “Are our churches places where loving one another, bearing with one another and exercising costly forgiveness are still the kinds of things that mark us out from the surrounding culture? Or are we slowly becoming battle-hardened as our minor hurts, offences and disagreements become occasions for a disproportional response?”
  3. Craig Thompson writes an article that we should all take note of: the spiritual discipline of not commenting. “Ask yourself regularly, ‘Why are my words necessary in this moment?’ If your words are necessary and beneficial, then by all means, speak. But, if your words are not necessary, it is often best to just listen. To be content to not be the center of a conversation or controversy.”

We are a member church of the Evangelical Free Church of America.



