WYT: November 1, 2021

This week, we’ll be thinking deeply about the effects of COVID upon us as we work, fellowship, and hope…

  1. COVID, and more recently vaccine mandates, have affected many employees in various ways. Our challenge as Christians is to respond not simply according to our feelings, wants, or fears, but instead to continually ask (whatever our personal stance) “how can I best example Christ in the ways that I respond/agree/disagree?” Randy Alcorn’s article on disunity among Christians is spot on with its calls to prioritize unity and love for one another. It is more than worth your time to read and consider. On a semi-related note, many folks are wondering what religious exemptions to vaccine mandates are and whether such things might be warranted at this time. I found John Melcon’s article helpful (written from a Christian lawyer’s perspective) for giving the big picture. (Both ChristianityToday and World News have also written articles addressing religious exemptions).
  2. During tough times like these, where it seems that Christians are being faced with new challenges weekly (if not daily) for how to faithfully navigate our lives to honor Jesus, it can be easy to get discouraged. What will help you to spend these days well is a gentle reminder: Christ is still on His throne, His plan will still prevail.
  3. Lastly, for something completely different though more important than keeping up with the latest news cycle and outrage online: the crucial Gospel value of building and maintaining Christian friendship. Caleb Greggsen demonstrates that all those people Paul keeps greeting at the end of his letters aren’t just tacked on for convenience sake, but instead are a crucial part of the ministry. While he writes with pastors as his audience, the truths he brings up are helpful for all Christians to think on.

We are a member church of the Evangelical Free Church of America.



