WYT: October 25, 2021

This week, two articles and a video that help give perspective…

  1. “Silence is not violence.” I really appreciated Craig Thompson’s article, as he has done a wonderful job expressing thoughts that I’ve long held to. While it is increasingly popular in our 24-hour news and social media dominated world to think that everyone should – indeed, must! – always have and be sharing an opinion on everything, the Scriptures argue otherwise. Read and take to heart the wisdom found here.
  2. Given that we are working through 1 Timothy in our Sunday sermon series, I thought it would be helpful to point to a couple of resources that delve into some of the questions raised by chapters 2 and 3. In just under seven minutes, Don Carson and Tim Keller address Paul’s words in 1 Timothy 2:12 – not only do they give what they believe is the best understanding of the Greek, but they also give a very helpful framework for how to faithfully think through this passage and others that are similar.
  3. And finally, Keith Kauffman has presented a clear case for why we should understand 1 Timothy 3:11 to be referring to deaconesses rather than the often translated “wives.” (For anyone interested, Ray Heiple’s follow-on article provides an argument for the other side of the coin).

We are a member church of the Evangelical Free Church of America.



