WYT: September 20, 2021

*Not sure what “Worth Your Time” is? If you missed the introductory post last week, you can check it out here.

We speak often about making disciples here at First E-Free: this is the mission that Jesus gave not only to full-time pastors, missionaries, and Christian workers, but to everyone who follows Him. To be a Christian is to be a disciplemaker. But how do we do that? What does it look like in real life – in the up’s and down’s of juggling work, personal schedules, and our own struggles? This week, I want to point us to two helpful articles and also some words from the always quotable J. C. Ryle that are well worth chewing on as we go throughout the week ahead…

  1. “Rest Upon the Pillow of God’s Promises” There are two halves to discipleship: being a disciple and making disciples. When it comes to being a disciple, which of us couldn’t use a friendly and timely reminder to rest in – and trust in – the Lord? Erik Raymond helps us see this through several pictures, including one from Jacob’s life (which I found very helpful, given our recent study of him in Genesis).
  2. “The Ministry of Being a Little Bit Further Along” The other half of discipleship – the half where we seek to do spiritual good to somebody else so that they would grow as disciples – isn’t always easy. We worry that we won’t know what to say or we become anxious about how we can best help somebody else to follow Jesus. Tim Challies reminds us that one very simple yet vital way to help somebody else is to be available for those who are coming up after you in the faith. There are many folks who are or will be going through some of the same struggles, with similar questions and needs, whom you could help and encourage not because you have specialized training or the right degree on the wall, but simply because the Lord has given you personal experience of what it means to trust Him through life.
  3. “Happy indeed is that Church whose members not only desire to reach heaven themselves, but desire also to take others with them!” -J. C. Ryle (Strive! p.18)

We are a member church of the Evangelical Free Church of America.



