Tag: Psalms of Jesus
March 3, 2024 Worship Service
Christ is our King and Priest. His kingship shall not fail, and his priesthood accomplishes everything we need.
February 25, 2024 Worship Service
We were made to worship our God and he has been good to us – let’s not fail in our purpose!
Psalm 91 Our Fortress 2/18/2024
It is Jesus who shall receive all blessing, honor, glory, and praise. And, therefore, because our King perfectly abides, we who trust in him shall have the joy of eternal life.
February 11, 2024 Worship Service
There are good and important times when God's people need to sing songs in a minor key.
Psalm 8 Our Great God 2/4/2024
Yahweh’s King. God’s care isn’t accidental. No: it’s part of His plan. Where we have failed, one human has not: Jesus Christ, fully God and fully man. He reigns, He rules! We have hope because of Him!
Psalm 2 God’s King 1/28/2024
Wisely responding. God’s grace and mercy is on full display: he calls rebels to repent, to trust, to have Jesus – not themselves – as their king. Judgment is the end of those who won’t embrace the Lord. Blessing is the end of those who will.
Sermon Podcast

We are a member church of the Evangelical Free Church of America.